Werewolf Contact Lenses

Blue (1)
Green (4)
Gray (1)
Orange (3)
Red (9)
White (13)
Black (3)
Yellow (4)
1 Day (31)
30 Day (5)
90 Day (2)
13.8 (1)
14.2 (5)
15 (3)
14 (28)
Chromaview (38)

Werewolf Contact Lenses

38 products found.
Per Page
Werewolf Green Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Werewolf Green Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Witch Green Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Witch Green Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Darth Maul Red Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Darth Maul Red Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Voldemort Red Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Voldemort Red Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Avatar Yellow Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Avatar Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Cat's Eye Yellow Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Cat's Eye Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Avatar Yellow Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Avatar Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
UV Cat Yellow Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
UV Cat Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Werewolf Orange Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Werewolf Orange Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Werewolf Orange Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Werewolf Orange Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Twilight Star Orange Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Twilight Star Orange Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Zombie Undead Grey Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Zombie Undead Gray Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Cat's Eye Aqua Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Cat's Eye Aqua Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Mini Sclera White Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For $45 Sale
Mini Sclera White Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)

Take your supernatural costume to another level with the Crazy Lenses Werewolf Contact Lenses! Including orange and green lenses, these coloured accessories add a pop of vibrancy to your costume and add an authentic touch to your final result. Whether you’re attending an exciting Halloween party or Comic Con, this supernatural being no longer just lives on the pages of storybooks or in our favorite TV programs and movies; bringing them to life in the real world with the help of your favorite werewolf contact lenses!

At Crazy Lenses, our top priority is ensuring your lenses are both comfortable and safe for wear. We are FDA-approved to ensure all of our products meet our high-quality standards and that you can feel comfortable and at ease when making your purchase. Our lenses have been designed and manufactured using a lightweight and breathable material; this material type allows oxygen to easily pass through to the eye and keeps it hydrated, avoiding any dryness from occurring. 

The Green and Orange Werewolf Contact Lenses

Create a vivid and striking result with the orange and green werewolf contact lenses. These theatrical lenses transform the wearer's appearance and emphasize a more supernatural approach! These lenses, often used for Halloween, cosplay, or themed events, offer a vivid and eerie transformation that mimics the mythical look of a werewolf's eyes. The orange werewolf contacts feature a fiery hue displaying a predatorial gaze whereas the green werewolf lenses are a more natural emerald hue, evoking a supernatural, forest-dwelling creature's gaze.

Their vibrant and mesmerizing finish makes them a popular choice for those looking to embody a werewolf's fearsome and mystical allure. The differing shades of this lens allow users to encapture the personality type of their werewolf design, whether they choose to display an intimidating look or something more peaceful. 

Whether you’ve got several dates in the calendar planned for your new werewolf lenses or only one special event booked in, our werewolf contact lenses are available in both daily and 30 day durations so that you can match the perfect lens to your needs. Those who only require their new lenses for a single event might find the daily werewolf contact lenses a more efficient and convenient option. Daily lenses provide a hassle-free experience for users are they require minimal maintenance; simply soak your single-use lenses in fresh lens solution for at least two hours before insertion and dispose of them after their first use. 

On the other hand, the 30 day contact lenses provide users the ability to re-use their contact lenses throughout the advertised duration. 30 day contact lenses provide a safe way for users to make the most of their lenses should they have several events to attend that require them, however, due to their extended-wear attributes they do need an extra level of care and maintenance compared to the daily lenses. Multiday contact lenses should be gently rinsed using a sterile contact lens solution after each wear before being stored in a contact lens case in fresh contact lens solution whenever they are not in use.