Cases & Solution

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Cases & Solution

6 products found.
Chromaview 100ml All In One Contact Lens Solution & Case | Contact Lens Care & Accessories
Chromaview All In One Contact Lens Solution & Case (100ml)
Crazy Contact Lens Silver Antibacterial Case
Crazy Contact Lens Antibacterial Case
Contact Lens Inserter Set  | Contact Lens Accessories
3 for $5 Accessories
Contact Lens Inserter Set (Yellow)
Contact Lens Silicon Inserter Wand  | Contact Lens Accessories
3 for $5 Accessories
Contact Lens Silicon Inserter Wand (Orange)
Contact Lens Silicon Inserter Wand  | Contact Lens Accessories
3 for $5 Accessories
Contact Lens Silicon Inserter Wand (Green)
Contact Lens Silicon Inserter Wand  | Contact Lens Accessories
3 for $5 Accessories
Contact Lens Silicon Inserter Wand (Blue)

A contact lens case should be on your list of must-haves when you are purchasing contact lenses. Whether it is your first pair of colored contacts or you are a regular contact lens wearer, ensuring you have all the right tools is important. A contact lens case will help you to keep your contact lenses ready to wear and hygienic. For the best safety of your eyes and lenses, store your lenses in a clean contact lens case and solution.

For contact lens users, a compact contact lens case that is secure and sturdy is required. Our reusable contact lens cases are made from durable and safe material; just make sure to regularly clean your contact lens case to keep it in top condition and replace it every few months. There are several types of contact lens case but the most common type features two compartments with airtight screw top lids. This compact style of case is travel-friendly so you can carry your contact lenses with you on holiday, to a cosplay event, or for work. With your contact lenses submerged in contact lens solution inside an airtight case, they are protected from dust, debris, and other contaminants that could compromise the integrity of your lenses. You’ll also notice that the lids are embossed with an ‘L’ and ‘R’ so you can make sure you always put the correct lens in each eye - especially important if you wear different prescriptions. 

Available in a range of different colors, the Crazy Lenses contact lens cases add a pop of personality to your everyday use. Our most popular contact lens cases are: 

  • Purple Cosmetic Storage Case
  • Red Cosmetic Storage Case
  • Silver Cosmetic Storage Case

The contact lens cases have bowl shaped wells to store your contact lenses and keep them suspended in sterile contact lens solution overnight or when they are not in use. It is important to store your lenses in a specialized contact lens solution; never use any other liquids such as water, saliva, or household products to clean your lenses. Contact lens solution can be used to soak your colored contacts before use, and maintain your reusable lenses in between to prevent them from drying up. Make sure to inspect your contact lenses before every use to ensure they aren’t damaged or have debris on them. 

Take your colored contacts with you in your Crazy Lenses contact lens case. The tight seal and compact size will keep them ready for use; all you need to do is make sure to regularly clean and refresh the contact lens solution. Take the hassle out of contact lens wear on the go with your contact lens storage case and solution whether you are traveling, working, or attending an event.