Vampire Contact Lenses

Blue (7)
Green (5)
Gray (3)
Orange (3)
Red (19)
White (13)
Black (7)
Yellow (8)
Natural (1)
Costume (64)
1 Day (33)
30 Day (28)
90 Day (4)
14.5 (1)
14.2 (12)
15 (2)
14 (48)
chromaview (1)
Chromaview (64)

Vampire Contact Lenses

65 products found.
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Avatar Yellow Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Avatar Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Cat's Eye Yellow Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Cat's Eye Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
UV Cat Yellow Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
UV Cat Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Cat's Eye Yellow Contact Lenses | 90 Day Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Cat's Eye Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (90 Day)
Twilight Star Orange Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Twilight Star Orange Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Twilight Star Orange Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Twilight Star Orange Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Dragon Mist Grey Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Dragon Mist Gray Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Zombie Undead Grey Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Zombie Undead Gray Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Zombie Undead Grey Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Zombie Undead Gray Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Wolf Costume Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Lenses
3 For 2 Sale
Wolf Costume Contact Lenses (1 Day)
Valak Costume Contact Lenses | Monthly Colored Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Valak Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Breaking Dawn Costume Contact Lenses | Daily Colored Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Breaking Dawn Costume Contact Lenses (1 Day)
Mini Sclera White Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Mini Sclera White Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Blizzard Blue Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Blizzard Blue Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Manson Orange Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Manson Orange Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Vampire Louis Yellow Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Vampire Louis Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Celestial Blue Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Celestial Blue Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)

Are you seeking a blood-thirsty transformation this Halloween? You’ll need a pair of the Crazy Lenses Vampire Contact Lenses to embrace your inner vampire! Surging in popularity among cosplayers, Halloween go-ers, and those seeking a unique twist for their everyday look, vampire contact lenses are both versatile and dramatic. At Crazy Lenses, our vampire lenses can be found in a range of different colors and styles to suit your mythical aesthetic; we also offer these in different duration options so that you can choose depending on your preference and convenience. 

Iconic in the world of film and TV, vampires have been seen on our screens for many years. Our range of vampire contact lenses provides a wide variety of choices to explore, no matter the character you opt to base your costume on. The range of colors available in our vampire range allows for easy customization when creating your costume, highlighting the personality type you wish to ooze in your look. Classic red lenses are perfect for a traditional vampire look, providing images of bloodthirsty immortals with a gothic aurora. Alternatively, orange lenses can add a fiery and naive element to your character. These striking colors enable you to perfectly match your lenses to the character you’re portraying.

  • Bella Contact Lenses - The Bella contact lenses are designed in the distinctive true Bella Swan orange hue. The fiery tone of these Twilight movie contact lenses enhances the vision of the modern-day vampire and the initial power and energy of a new vampire. Featuring a dramatic black jagged limbal ring, these lenses enhance and bring a sense of realism to your vampire costume.
  • Volturi Contact Lenses - Designed in a true blood-thirsty fashion, the Volturi lenses feature a blood-red pigment providing a more traditional take on the eyes of an elder. The versatile appearance of these red vampire lenses makes them a suitable option for a variety of makeup and costume choices. 
  • Gold Vampire Contact Lenses - The Gold Vampire contact lenses stand unique against several of our other designs. Featuring a golden iris, these lenses also include a bright red blood splash around the pupil, enhancing the allure of blood-thirst. These versatile lenses provide a high-quality finish to many different vampiric aesthetics. 

Not only will you find the vampire contact non-prescription designs in varying colors and styles, but we also offer both daily and 30 day durations so that we can better accommodate your preference and ensure a convenient purchase for you. The Crazy Lenses daily vampire contacts provide users the ability to enjoy a hassle-free experience; requiring minimal maintenance, there’s no need to think about how you will store your lenses once removed. Daily wear contact lenses are designed for single use only and should be disposed of after they have been removed or worn for eight consecutive hours. We do recommend soaking your lenses in fresh sterile lens solution for at least two hours before inserting them, so make sure to pop them in the solution before you start creating your vampire makeup!

If you prefer to make the most of your lenses, or you have a selection of epic events coming up over the next month then we recommend you explore our 30 day vampire lenses. The 30 day contact lenses provide an extended amount of days for you to enjoy wearing your lenses; although you should not exceed eight hours of wear per day, these extended-wear lenses allow you to wear them for as many days as you like within the month. Wearing multi-day lenses does require a certain level of maintenance and care to ensure they remain safe and hygienic throughout the full month. Your lenses should be rinsed gently using sterile lens solution after each wear, by doing so you will remove any bacteria in preparation for your next wear; as well as this they should be sorted overnight and when not in use in a contact lens case, submerged in sterile lens solution. This will keep your lenses soft and clean, making them easy to insert and hygienic.