Mini Sclera Contact Lenses

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Mini Sclera Contact Lenses

3 products found.
Mini Sclera Black Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Mini Sclera Black Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Mini Sclera Red Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Mini Sclera Red Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Mini Sclera White Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Mini Sclera White Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)

For those looking for a dramatic change to the appearance of their eyes, the mini sclera contact lenses and blind eye contact lenses elevate and alter the eye extensively with their extended diameter size and the ability to block the color and pupil of the natural eye. Iconic throughout the Halloween period for their alternative visual appearance, these lens ranges are a popular choice amongst SFX makeup artists and cosplayers. Often seen on the big screen, mini sclera, and blind eye lenses are hugely incorporated into horror movies and TV shows. 

The extended iris design of the mini sclera contacts makes them truly appealing to Halloween-goers and spooky cosplay artists alike. Due to their unusual appearance, mini sclera lenses can easily transform a variety of costume looks into something terrifying and unique. The size of mini sclera contact lenses can vary but are usually seen reaching a diameter of 17mm compared to the regular 14mm we see with most contact lenses. This offers an increased overall iris color that leaves admirers and peers in total shock when they spot your unique new eye look! 

The Crazy Lenses range of blind contact lenses features a horrifying result that completely alters the appearance of the eye by blocking and covering the color of the natural eye and the pupil. The general look of these interesting lenses creates a striking result well-suited to a variety of scary-inspired costumes and SFX makeup looks! It is important to note that this style of contact lens does dramatically minimize the user's ability to see; blind contact lenses no vision cover the entire pupil so clear vision becomes very diminished. Due to this, these lenses should not be worn when driving or when clear vision is essential. 

Our mini sclera and blind contact lenses 

  • Mini Sclera Black Contact Lenses - A common mini sclera shade used during the spooky season and in scary movies, the black mini sclera contact lenses feature a solid black pigment that easily blends with the natural pupil to create a blackout look. Whilst the pupil may appear to be covered, the black mini sclera contact lenses still allow users to experience full vision as the pupil is not covered. 
  • White Mini Sclera Contact lenses - Awaken the ghost inside you or take to your next Halloween party in true The Walking Dead fashion with the white mini sclera contacts. These white eye contact lenses create a creepy effect perfectly suited to any zombie-inspired or undead costume due to the vacant stare that they provide. The extended iris of the mini sclera lens makes the eye’s pupil appear much smaller when, in fac,t it is the same size as any other lens; this enhances the abnormal appearance of these lenses.
  • Blind White Contact Lenses -  Give your look a terrifying twist with the blind white contact lenses. Create horrifying makeup looks and complete your blind-eye Halloween or cosplay costume with the perfect finishing touches! The blind white contact lenses blend seamlessly with the whites of the eye to create an effective and striking result. 
  • Blind Gray Contact Lenses - With the addition of a pair of gray blind contact lenses, you can easily take your scary look to an enhanced level. The look presented with a completely covered natural eye color and pupil draws the attention of others and creates an unmissable distraction! 

Within our range of mini sclera and blind contact lenses, choose between both daily and 30 day duration options; whether you are purchasing for a single event or a handful of occasions in your calendar, we’ve got options to suit a variety of preferences! One-day or daily contact lenses are a great option for those who are looking for a lens to wear only once without the hassle of cleaning or storing them. On the other hand, the 30 day contact lenses are a cost-effective and highly convenient lens for those who wish to wear their contact lenses several times. With extended-wear lenses, they must be carefully cared for by rinsing after each wear with sterile lens solution and soaking in fresh solution when not in use.