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Get the ultimate blind-eyed look with a pair of our FDA approved Blind White Contact Lenses. Designed to completely mask your sclera, pupil, and iris with vibrant all-white colouration.
SKU | 114272 |
Brand | Chromaview |
Color | White |
Style | Costume |
Duration | 30 Day |
Base Curve | 8.6 |
Quantity | 2 Per Pack (Pair) |
Water % | 53% |
Material | Terpolymer |
Get the ultimate blind-eyed look with a pair of our FDA approved Blind White Contact Lenses. Designed to completely mask your sclera, pupil, and iris with vibrant all-white colouration, they are ideal for those looking to replicate the horrific blind-eyed appearance of the flesh-eating zombies from AMC's mega-hit TV series, Walking Dead. Aside from their use as Walking Dead contact lenses, there are many more zombie-esque applications such as Resident Evil, Zombieland, 28 Days Later, Shaun Of The Dead, and World War Z.
Use cases aside, the all-white design is printed on heavily hydrated medical-grade polymacon lenses to maximise comfort and durability. Meanwhile, the FDA approved dye is highly pigmented which ensures they are a suitable choice of blind white contact lenses for dark eyes too. However, as a note of caution, the sheer depth of the print and the lack of a clear circular pupil means these blind white coloured contacts will limit your natural vision while in use.
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