After receiving your order, if you no longer wish to keep the items, you are welcome to return them to us for a refund. Regardless of where you’ve ordered from, if you are returning your order due to buyer remorse and not due to a fault or error, you will be responsible for the cost of returning the package to us. 

To request a product exchange or return, please contact our customer services team through our Contact Us form. Further ways to get in touch with us can be found below:

  • Contact Us form
  • Email

* Please note: During peak periods or closing hours our telephone lines may be unavailable. In the event of being unable to reach us via this method, please submit a ticket using our Contact Us Form.

Returns Policy

Once a return has been received by us we endeavour to handle all requests promptly. For us to process a return effectively, please ensure that you have acknowledged the following items:

  • Return Contents: Please ensure that your package clearly contains the item(s) from your order and a suitable note providing your order details and how you wish to handle the return. Eg. Resend a different item, refund or replace the product.
  • Item Condition: If you wish to return items you have ordered to us for an exchange or refund, please note that these must be in their original condition with the packaging intact. All returns will be inspected on receipt and items in an unsuitable condition for resale will be disposed of. 
  • Faulty/Damaged Products: On the rare occasion that you receive a faulty or damaged product you have 30 days to notify us to start a refund or exchange. In the event of this, please contact us with evidence of your issue before your return. Our customer services team will reach out to provide a suitable solution. Before you open or break the factory seal of your products please refer back to the product pages and guides on our website. We endeavor to provide images of the products and information regarding their use to enhance your experience.
  • Free Gifts & Reduced Items - If you’ve placed an order that contains a gift, and you wish to return the contents of the order, you must also return the gift. If you have placed an order with discounted products, any successful returns will be refunded at the price paid at the time of purchase.
  • Timeframe: When shopping on Crazy Lenses you have 30 days from placing your order to submit a return for a refund or exchange for another item. Once we have confirmed your return we can issue a full refund to you, minus a return cost if using one of our returns services.
  • Postage: When returning your order to us we strongly recommend choosing a recorded or tracked service. It is the customer's responsibility that we receive returns successfully and we are not responsible for packages that are lost by the courier. The cost of the return package is the customer’s responsibility but Crazy Lenses will send your first package of exchange items for free.