Mehron SFX Paradise Makeup AQ (Pastell)

Code: 2000663   • Auf Lager
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Seien Sie mit dem Mehron SFX Paradise Makeup AQ in den Pastellfarben bestens auf Ihren nächsten Cosplay- oder Halloween-Look vorbereitet. Diese Mehron Cosmetics-Palette enthält 8 verschiedene Farbtöne, um eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Charakter-Make-up-Looks zu vervollständigen!
SKU 153690
Marke Mehron
Stil SFX
Menge Single
Material Synthetic
Volumen 56g
Typ Make-up-Palette


Create a bold and intriguing look with the Mehron SFX Paradise Makeup AQ . This pastel face and body paint is great for kinds of events and occasions! The smooth and creamy formulas of the Mehron face and body paints allows them to glide smoothly onto the skin and dry quickly to create a smudge-resistant effect. The vibrantly pigmented shade allows users to build on their product should they wish to create a blinding and colourful result! These cruelty-free paints provide an abundance of inspiration for your next costume and creative makeup.

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