Blinde Graue Kostüm-Kontaktlinsen (Tageslinsen)

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Spezialisten für farbige Kontaktlinsen
Mit Crazy Lenses erhalten Sie Qualitätsprodukte und hilfreichen Kundenservice, wann immer Sie ihn brauchen! Es gibt einen Grund, warum wir einer der ältesten Läden für verrückte Kontaktlinsen sind.
Zuverlässiger Versand
Bei Crazy Lenses bieten wir stets kostengünstige, schnelle und zuverlässige Versanddienste an. Wir nutzen stets Sendungsverfolgungsdienste und bieten Ihnen vor Ihrem Kauf einen Kostenvoranschlag für die Lieferung an.

Create a shocking look with our blind grey Contact Lenses. These grey lenses completely cover your natural eye colour. The result is totally creepy and these lenses are ideal for Halloween costumes.

Please Note!

Transform your look with the frightening appearance of the Crazy Lenses Blind Contact Lenses. The blind contact lens design covers both the natural iris and pupil and does not feature a pupil hole, limiting vision significantly. Do not buy these lenses expecting clear vision.

👁 NO Pupil Hole
👁 Vision WILL be obscured
👁 Great for photoshoots, not for parties

SKU 118467
Marke Chromaview
Farbe Grau
Stil Kostüm
Dauer 1 Tag
Basiskurve 8.6
Menge 2 pro Packung (Paar)
Durchmesser 14
Wasser % 55%
Material Terpolymer
Rezept Nein


Crazy Contact Lenses make it easy to create a freaky look. These high-quality contact lenses come in a choice of styles, from block colours to Halloween lenses, scary designs, and freaky costume contacts. Crazy contact lenses are light, soft, and comfortable to wear. Their high water content ensures that your eyes stay hydrated and feel fresh all day.

Blind eye accessories cover the pupil so won't allow you to see. Suitable for short-term wear e.g. Halloween parties. Do not drive etc while wearing these eye accessories.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the style of these lenses and how they cover the pupil, they offer no vision. You will not be able to see clearly out of these lenses. Do not wear these while performing any tasks that require clear vision.

Linsen mit Blindeffekt
Linsen mit Blindeffekt
Diese Kontaktlinsen haben KEINE Pupillenlöcher, daher können Sie beim Tragen NICHTS sehen. Großartig für Fotoshootings, aber nicht so toll für Partys!
Comfort & Durability
Comfort & Durability
Lenses are designed for high hydration to keep your eyes feeling comfortable.
Top Contact Lens Brands
Top Contact Lens Brands
Reliable, tried and tested contact lens brands.
Global Shipping Options
Global Shipping Options
USA, UK, Canada, Europe & More!
Safe & Secure
Safe & Secure
Safely-constructed lenses with high-quality materials.
Customer-First Care
Customer-First Care
Your safety and satisfaction is our top priority!

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